Terms & conditions

Terms of Use

Welcome to Menasa and we thank you for your trust and using Menasa. We would like to spot the light on our terms of use in Menasa.

Using Menasa as a customer, trailer, or whatever; you have to follow the following terms. Once you register on Menasa, you agree on our terms which includes using our website or application.

Introduction and Definition

Menasa is a company that provides e-commerce services including creating online stores and other related services in the middle east through the website and application.
The retailer is the person who registers to build an online store including any person who uses Menasa for this business.
Store is what retailers use in Menasa to run their business.
Customer is the person who uses stores to buy or use any of the services that we provide.
Agreement is the terms that we follow in Menasa and all the retailers and customers have to follow these terms.
Provider is the one who provides services whether through Menasa or any third-party.

Legal Retailer Eligibility

The retailer has to be legally qualified and be at least 18 years old.
A merchant who is less than 18 years old is excluded if he proves his ownership of the business.
The merchant must certify his eligibility to manage the store.
If a person is registered as a company or other party, he must prove his legal capacity to do business.
In the event that the retailer violates this section of the agreement, the retailer bears the consequences of the violation, as we are on Menasa has nothing to do with commercial transactions, and we have the right in Menasa to claim compensation for damages that may be the result of this violation.

Quality of commitment in Menasa

The role of Menasa lies as a provider of building online stores, and this means that our commitment is only in building an online store and helping the retailer to provide his services to the customer by setting up an online store.
Menasa Provides other services related to e-commerce, including marketing and guidance for the shop owner.
There is no commitment by Menasa regarding sales and purchases to the public, and our role in Menasa ends when we help the retailer to build an online store.
Menasa provides some services free of charge in some cases from the process of modifying the store, its shape and design.
Menasa is not responsible for the commercial dealings between the retailer and the consumer.
Menasa has no relation to transactions between the retailer and the third-party service providers.
Menasa’s mission ends when providing the service of building an online store and it has nothing to do with anything else.

Laws of Building an Online Store

Every person who has demonstrated eligibility to build an online store has the right to build an online store.
The store must not be in violation of the laws and regulations in the Arabian Gulf, and the retailer is obliged to clarify the type of business that he performs.
Menasa  disclaims any responsibility for any store that violates the laws in force in the Arab Gulf, and we have the right to reject any activity or store that violates these laws.
The store must not violate the terms of the Terms of use.
No one can use Menasa if his membership or store is canceled pursuant to orders or court rulings.
In the event that you are registered as a company or institution, this party must abide by all rules.
All retailers must comply with all applicable laws to regulate ecommerce, the system of information crime, investment, and electronic transactions.
In the event that the retailer submitting the request is an individual, then he must commit to verifying and presenting the conditions required by the official authorities, and he must declare to abide by these conditions.
In the event that the applicant represents an institution or company, he must provide us on Menasa with all the details and information that prove this.

Obligations to Register and Create Accounts

If you register on Menasa and join our family, you are required to disclose some information and choose a username and password in order to use it to log in and access the services of Menasa . You will be working to make sure of your account activity and after making sure of that and activating your account you will become a user and you can access and enjoy the services of Menasa. Accordingly, you have agreed to the following:

To be responsible for the confidentiality of your account information and not to disclose the login information to any other person and in the event of an attempt to enter you must inform us on Menasa of that attempt.

Menasa is not responsible for any material or moral damage and loss that occurs as a result of losing your login data.

You are fully responsible for the use of your account on Menasa and in the event that you authorize another person to do so we disclaim our responsibility for that access to the account.

You must demonstrate a high level of seriousness and credibility in using your account on Menasa and adherence to the rules of use and privacy and all legal rules in force in the Arabian Gulf.

In the event that you violate any of the rules, you are obligated to compensate Menasa for direct and indirect damages as a result of losing the login data and accessing the account, whether with or without your authorization.

You are obligated to disclose true and correct information related to you as required of you while registering onMenasa. You are also obligated to update your data in case it was changed in practice.

Not to include any of the data related to Menasa in the user name such as a phone number or other personal details indicating a relationship between you and the management team of Menasa.

Not to mention the existence of any direct or indirect relationship between you and the management team of  Menasa in your store.

We, at Menasa, are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of your information in accordance with the rules of our privacy policy.

We have the right at Menasa to freeze your activity and cancel your membership in the event that the conditions of violation entering data into Menasa and updating it or disclosure of incorrect information and contrary to what is stated in the terms of use.

We have the right at Menasa to conduct some of the investigations that we consider necessary, whether directly or through a third party. In addition, we have the right to demand the disclosure of some additional information or other documents.

In the event that you violate what was mentioned above, we have the right to stop or freeze your store and our membership in Menasa or prevent you from entering the platform. We also have the right to delete any account that is not confirmed or has not been in any process for a long time.

Modifications to the Terms of Use

You agree that the platform will make any amendment to the terms of use and Menasa will inform you of these amendments when they are made.
You know and agree that Menasa will make modifications to the terms of use without bearing any legal responsibility and that users will be notified of these modifications.

In the event that there is an objection to any amendment to the terms of use, this may prevent access to the store. Therefore, if you object to any amendment of the terms of use, you must stop using the services and access to the account because once you enter the account again, this means that you agree to the modifications. You can contact us to answer your inquiries regarding this agreement.

All fees are calculated in Kuwaiti dinars and this is the currency that we use on Menasa.

You should be aware that not all of our deals and offers related to retailers and stores are free, as they may be subject to varying fees.

On Menasa, we may charge some fees to some retailers and stores, and this depends on the type of offers and packages.

We have the right on Menasa to add, reduce or discount any charges based on the terms of use on users.

Payment Services for stores on Menasa

You can pay on Menasa through the available payment methods that we offer on the website, which are done online.

We are not related to the payment system upon receipt, as it is related to the retailer and the consumer.

Menasa has the right to stipulate that the payment process be direct between the retailer and the consumer and we have no relationship with that process.
The online payment services provided by Menasa are only a means to facilitate the process of work and payment and for the purpose of preserving the rights of the two parties and we have no relationship with that matter.

The retailer is obliged to determine the price of the products and goods according to their market value and we have nothing to do with that pricing.
The retailer must provide bills and receipts for all amounts obtained from the store in addition to the type of goods, quantity, descriptions and value. This is for his commercial, economic and legal interest.

We have the right to freeze and prevent the completion of any payment that violates the obligations of the terms of use or cancel any purchase or sale that results from our technical mistake leading to a difference in the quoted price from its market value and we are not responsible for those amounts.
We have the right to cancel, amend or change any form of payment on Menasa.

Your Personal and Transaction Detail Information

You give Menasa an unlimited right to use information, personal materials or any other information that you have provided us in order to achieve the interests that we see in Menasa.
You are the only one responsible for the information you have sent or published, and our role is limited by displaying this information through Menasa and its advertising channels.
You should know that store and retailer information is subject to the rules of our Privacy Policy.

Platform rights

All digital contents of Menasa and others are owned by us and no one has the right to use it in any way.
We will take the necessary procedures in case of violating any of the rights and intellectual property of Menasa.
Menasa does not bear any infringement of the rights of retailers.

Consumer rights

The consumer has the right to report when receiving different goods or when the goods are not received when he has completed the payment process through Menasa and we have the right to take the appropriate procedures.
The consumer has the right to review the goods before receipt to ensure their authenticity, safety and conformity and we are not responsible for the relationship between the retailer and the consumer.
Menasa is not committed to any complaint from the consumer and we take the appropriate action based on what we deem appropriate.

Our responsibility on Menasa

We are not responsible in any way for any unsatisfactory performance by the retailer, shipping companies, payment gateways, consumer failure to pay, nor any losses or breakdowns.
We are not responsible for any errors, whether direct or indirect, or through a third party.
We are not responsible for any claims that have arisen as a result of financial losses or discredit for misuse of Menasa.
We are not responsible for any direct or indirect claim, dispute, damage or loss to any party as a result of the use of one of Menasa’s users.
We have nothing to do with any illegal activity that the retailer does.
We claim that any trader must notify us of any suspicious activity on Menasa and we are not responsible for any of these violations.

Cancellation of Membership or Store

In case of violation of the rules of the terms of use.
In case we are unable to document any information about the user.
In the event of an activity in violation of the law.

We would like to inform you that these conditions are applicable to all users of Menasa to organize the work system in Menasa.If the conditions have been translated into other languages, the Arabic language is the source and the origin of all transactions and that no party has the right to amend or add any conditions except the management team of Menasa.